light up!

i did believe myself that the best and truth feelings come from inside. We decide wether we wana feel happy, bloomy, great, bad, sad, mad of anything triggered by the outside(people/things happened around us). we sometimes do something out of something without thinking, but use the gut many of us, use brain to control anger? how many of us capable of putting smile on face when there is fire in you, or maybe a knot of pit in your heart?

I believe myself that I am an ordinary, too much ordinary girl who easily overwhelmed by own feeling. it is is undeniable to just follow ur instinct, display it out loud and you feel happy about it. i view the world, most of the time, ikut perasaan. i feel anything about something, than only i think about it...haha, klu rajin

like playing chess within myself, my king is my brain, my queen is my heart. and of course, my queen moves many many steps than king. now i wonder why a tough mother could deliver 10 babies and feel happy about it? isn't it painful? isn't it put her into unbearable condition? why, why on earth SHE could do the splendid job?this is because the precious gift from God; her heart, her queen. She could do anything with this great, great organ. how about guys? the answer is simple, the king and queen happens to be the other way around. thus, the king the most powerful one would tell the body, avoid the pain, avoid the unbearable condition. many, many times i've seen ill boys couldn't bear the sickness. bcoz they don't have the WARM heart... the strongest shield of every woman...that is why, if guys happen to be the ones who deliver the baby, there would be no overpopulation...there would be only a child in a family...hahah

till then...i better use my king to the fullest for the becoming weeks..presentation, microteaching and quizzes are coming...Do i just need to sit down and wait? shoud enjoy this weekend...before the sky falls down on me.huhu

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