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menutup tertutup sengaja mengatup

aku merasakan aneh terhadap suatu perasaan membelenggu
seperti berada di dalam kotak kerdil di dalam kotak sederhana di dalam kotak sederhana besar dan kotak yg lg besar
perasaan itu tidak memuncak tp menyengat seperti tebuan mnyengat di mata keningku
berdenyut sakit teramat
kesakitan itu menggigit pedih
aku tidak menjerit
dan menahan sakit itu dgn senyuman
dgn tawa
dgn pmisah rasa antara tipu dan nyata
nyata drama class membantu perilaku ku utk lebih berhati2
bukan utk mbuahkn sbuah lakonan seni
tapi membimbing aku kearah lebih berani
bermain dgn ekspresi diri

ibarat tempurung yg dipecahkan oleh katak yg terperangkap berkurun lama
lepas dr lemas
akan ku berlari pada SATU yg pasti
mwujudkan ketenangan pada tiap rasaku
biar aku pergi
biar aku lari
biar aku menari
lelah itu pasti terlena
jaga itu pasti tertutup

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Jangan ditangisi dunia

#1 Describe 10 things about the person who tag you

1. Kekasih gelapku.ngeh3x
2. She comes out with the idea that "Sleeping can cure"
3. Arab woman look, with the colour contact lens lagi la mjadi2 pdapat ini..hihi
4. Stiasa berkelakuan ayu tp ketawa memecahkn stadium negara
5. Wajib mengalas muka dgn alas2 yg sempurna utk mwujudkn kyakinan yg mantap=)
6. Do as much as she can to please that someone.triangle love la kot;) kekasih gelap get jeles sometimes.keh3
7. Dpt grammar test 14 out of 15.terer wo!
8. Menyanyi dgn kemantapan dan gaya sdiri.kjayaan xdlupakn- menyampaikn lagu imran ajmain-"seribu tahun"
9. Komited dgn janji-janji yg ditampal d dinding dkt katilnya..janji kasih ka 2?;)
10. The most best LISTENER that I have…although quality time ktowg amatla kurang.kekasih gelap la katakn

#2 Describe 10 things about you

1. Tough (emotionally, physically kot) keh3
2. Suka bersukan, Cuma xbkesempatan
3. Simple je appearance kita
4. Always try to force reading, does not work all the time, a lot to catch up~ waaaa
5. Suka mghabiskan masa dgn aktiviti xberpekdah, menyesal kmudian, xreti2 bahasa, wat juga
6. Open talker, open listener.thus, people always misjudge me!
7. Melakukn sesuatu dgn perasaan, jadi klu xde mood, alamat xmjadi la krja itu!
8. Vin diesel perna menjadi kegemaran, dan tetap kegemaran…
9. Family is my priority, aku blaja 6tahun ni pon dedicate utk mak abah tsyg, kakak2 n adik kukasihi
10.Suka menulis apa2 ntah kat blog, wlau dkutuk diapa2kn, silakn.aku sedia terima teguran dan kritikan mbina, kerna, ini>>>>>>>aku




Tidak mudah utk mnyatakan perasaan kita yg sebenar ttg sseorang kita syg, yg kita perna sakiti…tak mudah utk kita membiarkn kelemahan kita dinampak org.tapi, worst thing of all, kita tend utk tros mnyakiti, tros mnjadi hipokrit pada diri sdiri.

Aku percaya, suatu hari, aku juga berbuat perkara yg sama…mjadi hipokrit, menjadi plastic, wlau aku benci, tp hakikat khidupan memaksa manusia melakukan perkara tersebut, dlm sedar atau tidak, sengaja atau tidak sengaja…

Aku gembira, hidup tidak slalu treat aku nicely, hidup tak slalu membuat aku terawang2, aku stiasa jatuh, aku stiasa terlambung, aku gembira aturan hidupku tidak ssempurna orang2 yg aku cemburui…


Ia membuat aku menjadi aku. Karakter aku mgkin berbeza dan susah utk dimengerti. tp percayalah, aku juga manusia biasa.juga punya perahu yg sama utk blayar d lautan yg bergelora.Cuma pelayaranku dikawal oleh caraku yg berbeza, xunik, xmenarik…tp playaranku punya corak yg pelbagai…wlau material kita smua sama..aku percaya, corak abstrak pada perahu layar aku bakal menginjak aku dr menjadi biasa.bukan kerna biasa itu buruk, tp biasa itu buat aku merasa bahawa aku bukan siapa2.sedang aku punya pmikiran yg berbeza dan kmahuan yg memuncak utk mjadi sesuatu.pada Penciptaku.

Mungkin aku diuji, supaya sujudku bertambah khusyuk

Mungkin aku dicaci, utk buat aku ingat bhw Allah Maha Mulia

Mungkin aku disakiti, utk aku ingat neraka yg lebih sengsara

Mungkin aku kabur, supaya aku ingat aku cuma manusia biasa

Melakukn dosa, terlupa, lalai dan leka…………….

Harus aku ingat…dunia tidak indah utk ku, kerna syurga yg menanti adlh jauh lebih nikmat dan suci, melangkaui kenikmatan duniawi….jangan ditangisi dunia!


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this is how it is

nobody's perfect.i am not.YOU are not.but we have two hands and brains, at least to do something with them.the art of becoming perfect is pretending that you know everything which is unfortunately, you never, ever not.how annoying a person can turn to when he or she pretend that he or she knows about something that is not even familiar or not knowing them at all.poor...poor...s0,please, please...be frank..please, please, don't lie.just be who you are and accept the fact that we are imperfect.that's the main reason on earth why we got to learn.imperfection inspires us to figure about more about things we don't know, and gradually learn.

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i hope i can dance

i hope i could dance
i am willing to learn
or relearn
may take some time
before i know
how to dance well
i want to dance
i hope i can dance

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looking for a rain idea

i enjoy the course, eventually...(how sincere i am?!) $&^@@(*#()$#&($#@)$#)@

oh ilham
wlau sejenak

singgah di benakku
agarku tahu
agarku mampu
mengarang walau merapu
biar tak indah
biar xcantek atau menarik
tapi penuhi kriteria
agar berjela-jela

oh ilham

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Pure, innocent, sinless

I wish, I could go back to those days

how I wish so

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sick of hanging on

after all that had happened
i wish
i could smile
i wish
i could breathe
could be

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The letter, unintended

When can I then see you
I've been counting the days
I promise you our secret will be safe
No I just can't continue
Reading through my tears
The beating of the letter is so clear
So clear

It's too late to try and work it out

there's no way to turn this thing around
it's so hard, there in the letter that I've found
I've memorized it line for line
Too bad that letter isn't mine

You wanted me to find it
Never tried to hide it

Running never fades those words are here to stay
I hope you find this letter
Writing you today
These will be the last words that I say

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There is a risk involved in everything.

Every time you share a smile
Every time you shed a tear
You are opening yourself up to hurt.

Some people tread slowly through life,
Avoiding the closeness risk brings,
Side-stepping the things they can't understand...

Turning away from those who care too much,
Those who care stay too long,
Those who hold too tightly.

There is never an easy way to love.

You can not approach it cautiously
It will not wait for you to arm yourself.

It does not care if you turn away
It is everywhere, it is everything.

Love is the greatest of all risks.

It is not reliable, it is not cautious,
It is not sympathetic
It is unprejudiced and unmerciliess.

It strikes the strongest of mind,
And brings them to their knees in one blow.

Even in the best of times, love hurts.

It hurts to need, it hurts to belong,
It hurts to be the other part of someone else,
Without either of your consent.

But, from the moment it overtakes you,
It hurts worse to be all alone.

The risk of love never depletes;
It grows stronger and more dangerous with time.

But, it's in the total surrender of all defense,
That we, no matter weak or strong,

No matter willing or captive,
No matter what, we truly experience love.

Despite the many things love is not,
Outweighing it all are the things that love is.

Love is surrender without a loss.

It is a gift without the cost.

It consumes your every thought & desire,
Every breath you take.

It is the fire that fuels you
To do more than pass through life;

It urges you, instead, to live.

No matter the outcome, having felt love,
You will never be the same.

It may scar your heart & soul
And Leave you only memories of forever.

Or, it may cause every day of your life
To feel like there is no need for tomorrow.

But, love is worth it. It is worth the risk...

For in all of life,

Love is truly the only risk worth taking.

~~ Author Unknown ~~

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Jika, Mungkin, Pasti

"Jika Khadijah mampu memiliki penghormatan Junjungan Besar, dan Fatimah Az-Zahra dicintai sepenuhnya oleh Ali kerana Tuhannya, maka seharusnya kudup-kudup bunga zaman ini dihiasi pekerti Aisyah kerana atas dasar inilah mereka diletakkan pada persada penghormatan tertinggi."

Bukan senang seorg perempuan masa kini diletakkan pada suatu tempat yang tinggi, bukan mudah untuk seorg perempuan menembusi dinding kebal seorg lelaki yg taksub mengatakan mereka jauh lebih berpotensi. Maka, haruslah diubah persepsi ini, menepis dakwaan dan sangkaan melulu kumbang2 yg masih daif menilai kecantikan asli bunga2 yg sedang bergemerlapan.

Kemampuan itu terletak pada kesanggupan. Kesanggupan itu terletak pada kemahuan. Kemahuan itu pasti mencari jalannya. Sang kumbang harus lebih matang dan terus memantapkan fikiran, dan bunga2 harus terus bergemerlapan dan ikut berjuang, tanpa mencacatkan antara satu sama lain.

Jadi, pelbagai cara dan dakwa diletakkan sesuai pada tempatnya. Bukan melulu menuding jari, mcari cacat dan cela. Usaha pemantapan harus selari. Berdiri, berlari, kearah yang pasti dan diredhai. Mencintai dan dicintai pasti tidak serumit gumpalan benang, tp selurus tiang yg teguh berdiri atas pasak yg kukuh.

"Cabaran untuk menjadi anak yang paling bermakna dan dalam masa yang sama menyempurnakan seruan daripada pertiwi pasti mampu diatasi.

Tidak ada kusut yang tidak selesai."

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you, my unintended

Baby I love you and i'll never let you go
But if I have to boy I think that you should know
All the love we make can never be erased
And i promise you that you will never be replaced
Baby I love you and I'll never let you go
But if I have to boy I think that you should know
All the love we make can never be erased
And i promise you that you will never be replaced

I love you,
Yes i do.
Ill be with you aslong as you want me to,
Until the end of time.
From the day i met you i knew we'd be together.
And now i know i want to be with you forever, i want to marry you and i want to have
your kids.
Thinking can never compare to the feeling of your kisses.

I can say im truely happy till this day.
You make me thank god that i live my life every day.
Theres never been a doubt in my mind that id regret ever having you by my side.
But if the day comes that i have to let you go
I think theres something i should probably let you know,
Enjoyed everday that i spent with you and i will miss you cause im happy that i had
you at all.

Baby I love you and i'll never let you go
But if I have to boy I think that you should know
All the love we make can never be erased
And i promise you that you will never be replaced
Baby I love you and I'll never let you go
But if I have to boy I think that you should know
All the love we make can never be erased
And i promise you that you will never be replaced

I feel for you yes i do
I'll be with you as long as you want me to
Until the end of time