in my journey, i met many people, yg menyaketkn, mgembirakn, mejatuhkn, mgajarkn, me- macam2 lagi, being a 22-year old young lady, i am so happy. i am too happy. Allah memberi aku peluang utk tros megenal dunia, dunia yg tidak kekal lama. aku belajar, dan tros blajar mgerti
just have a pemikiran mendalam td, aku mmg suke berfikir, berfkir la suatu ketika dulu mjadi punca utama husairi bengang ngn aku. i enjoy thinking, admit it. n having a conversation with him td, aku rasa lain, rasa janggal, kenapa org yg pena paling amat dkt ngn aku tetiba2 mcm pegawai masyarakat or pgawai polis yg begitu formal....
i cant forget the day husairi bg surprise birthday present last year. wow, aku xsangka, aku hepi giler tp speechless. p/s i really appreciate that husairi. although aku rasa guilty. aku pk bukan2 time 2, takut trima pemberian sgitu mahal. that day, i knw tht u meant so much to me, til nw, only if u know that...
a Sony Ericcson handphone is a big deal. for me, it is.aku terpk cane nk ganti balik, cane nk bayar balik...smua2 la...but now i understand why a handphone, why not a watch or other accessories n why u never ever want me to balas balik smua aku kini phm, biarla aku tafsirkan pemikiran aku sdiri
loving is sharing, dats wat u meant right...n i am too innocent to undrstnd tht, i am too innocent to undrstnd how much u love me back then...i am the one who let u go, n let u in the state of getting married...ironically, u hv other gf right after we break-up
regrets, am not. smua yg terjadi dtg dr Dia, Dia Maha Kuasa. Dia Tentukan Sgala..aku sbg hamba harus patuh, akur akn ketentuan-Nya. Read this
'jika ia sebenar-benar cinta, kau lepaskn la, kau biarkanla, jika benar dia milikmu, pasti dia akn kembali kepadamu'
BUT, it doesnt mean that aku masih menunggu atau mengenang. it was decided. my mind controls my heart. n the king of body has decided. no matter wat, no matter wat. all OR nothing. so, it is nothing
for a moment, realize tht the love has just dissapeared~*sigh
having a title myself
nukilan dyradyana at 9/21/2008 03:16:00 AM
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