new year is approaching..8hours to go...reflecting 2008
leaving behind what we're not supposed to carry
starting over again what we're unable to fulfill
new resolution
new year
new brand me
welcome 2009!!!
nukilan dyradyana at 12/31/2008 03:31:00 PM
guilty pleasure
raya aji kali ni...mcm besa juadah sakan disediakn d umahku yg tercenta
1) bihun sup tulang
2) laksa
3) ketupat dan lemang
4) rendang
5) kuah kacang
so, imagine la raya aji ni menyebabkan aku gain weight...........uwaaaaaaa!!!!!
nevertheless, sedap siot k.ton ku masak...pergh, xtertahankan...
pada k.wani n k.ton, hepi belated bfday...9/12, wa xlupa punya! love u siz...wa xsabar nk timang anak sedara ni, cpt2la kawen..ngeh3
nukilan dyradyana at 12/10/2008 12:56:00 PM
license i got...
alhamdulillah...akhirnya aku berjaya mendapatkan lesen keta P...
pasni, semangat nak amek P moto plak...
kopak abah aku dlm seminggu aku blaja, bjaya juga aku dapatknny...
syukur aku!
nukilan dyradyana at 12/05/2008 12:51:00 PM
tentang perasaan di pagi khamis
there's less a day for the final sociolinguistics. cuak, ya...yes, tersangatlah...serious tahap koma,am helpless...laying on bed doing nothing but wondering...uwaa!
woke up on 9 and suck on coke...haiya, y so stupid haziqah?
smua saket datang ne..stomachache, helpless, so pathetic, so cari penyakit
"mau mati ka zick"
sometimes we suddenly wanna do things that we shouldn't...
sometimes the best feeling comes from the unusual routine, from the pain...
am i crazy, am i insane?
nukilan dyradyana at 11/13/2008 11:58:00 AM
Labels: what a...
keluhanku malam ini
it is like a dejavu to write the same thing write about things that always running through my head..i don't know why, i don't wana care anymore...i just want to STAY TRUE, don't wanna be PLASTIC...go away, Parasit, go away Plastic...P is such a bad luck letter..haha, what sounds similar with P...yay!
however, O'yeah, it is such a success, at least to find ME inside myself...hikmah yg aku temui, belum atau bakal ku temui, grateful i should to have such an experience...what an makes me REALLY, really learn....learn something that not NEW...but the lesson, pergh...
petik kata2 rangga, "Dibuat begini, aku suda biasa".
but again,
i wonder why for some people simply could be so cold-hearted, could be so mean, could be so wateva..napa huh?
nnddd if its wrong to be me, to just like this, if its so wrong, whom to be blamed? whom? ah, again, the problem that never solved, undone and left unspoken all through the years...i hate to remember bout it, hate to talk bout it, hate the hard feeling knocking my head all the time...
terkadang, aku x maw lagi bercerita atau expose apa yg aku rasa, apa yg aku pikir pasal dia, pasal KAMI...SERIK is the right word...SAKIT is the possible outcome...
bha, uda la...aku penat begini..penat berperang dgn emosi sendiri...aku sedar aku penuh emosi yet aku sedar walau aku begini aku tetap stay on the least, i be myself, am myself..n at some time, feel good bout it...sbb aku xkan perna maw menjadi Plastic, atau Parasit..atau apa yg sewaktu dengannya..coz i believe in myself...n i believe no one can be me, no one could..
even more, aku rasa tentunya aku takkan perna survive being other people...juga sekurangnya aku taw yg aku ni bukan jenis yg menyusahkn hidup orang lain.cukup, dan itula aku...
hurm, (keluhan mlm ini)
selamat malam kepada smua...insya-Allah, im getting better...skang pon dh get better lil mesti sbb nk paper sociolinguistics...jadi emo tahap gaban...waaaaa, k
nukilan dyradyana at 11/13/2008 12:53:00 AM
huayu final tomorrow!
i am about to sit for final paper Mandarin III, tomorrow... hurm, sgt teramat nervous i feel, yet haven't done my revision. pity me aight? pathetic i am, to waste the waste the whole week...poor me...poor zick..blekh
again, self-absorbed...thinking...i do too much thinking. headache ni kapla..tatau napa lately aku dh taw makna headache, aku jarang headache ni, xde dlm kamus idop ne. adesh
anyway, 'dekat tapi jauh'...yes, this 'pepatah' reminds me of my relationship with my bestie...we both floating, falling apart.....jauh..semakin jauh...what to do???that parasit has taken over my place...n me just look at the drama n do, no...i should clap my hand n laugh at the tragedy..hahahaha
at some time, i feel that no one could stand me...neither her...letting her go is the best way...tata~
nnnnd good luck to me...for my huayu final paper tomorrow~
nukilan dyradyana at 11/09/2008 06:53:00 PM
You Are My Thunder...
Today in the blink of an eye I'm holding on to something and I do not know why
I tried
I tried to read between the lines
I tried to look in your eyes
I want a simple explanation
For what I'm feeling inside
I gotta find a way out
Maybe there's a way out
Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Do you know you're unlike any other?
You'll always be my thunder, and I said
Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors
I don't wanna ever love another
You'll always be my thunder
So bring on the rain
And bring on the thunder
Today is a winding road
Tell me where to start and tell me something I don't know
Today I'm on my own
I can't move a muscle and I can't pick up the phone
I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know
And now I'm itching for the tall grass
And longing for the breeze
I need to step outside
Just to see if I can breathe
I gotta find a way out
Maybe there's a way out
Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Do you know you're unlike any other?
You'll always be my thunder, and I said
Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors
I don't wanna ever love another
You'll always be my thunder
So bring on the rain
Yeah I'm walking on a tightrope
I'm wrapped up in vines
I think we'll make it out
But you just gotta give me time
Strike me down with lightning
Let me feel you in my veins
I wanna let you know how much I feel your pain
Today is a winding road that's taking me to places that I didn't want to go
Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Do you know you're unlike any other?
You'll always be my thunder, and I said
Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors
I don't wanna ever love another
You'll always be my thunder
And bring on the thunder, and I said
Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Do you know you're unlike any other?
You'll always be my thunder
So bring on the rain
Oh baby bring on the pain
And listen to the thunder
nukilan dyradyana at 11/06/2008 11:25:00 PM
a week to remember`
it is the hardest week ever...gotta be tougher, convince myself that i am ok, everything gonna b ok, n hopefully alright.. i promise myself, never again i put myself into such hurts me, it hurts hurts everybody...
why should u call me when u just wanna hurt me? y should u put my hand aside when u say that u wana stay in my life forever?dont promise when u cant fulfill, jerk!
at a moment, i thought no one could understand me, no one could stand is just me that nobody cant stand with...but it is ok...i dun wana b somebody else....i just wana b me...buruknya aku, baiknya aku, sukanya aku, miserable nya aku...aku hanya maw menjadi aku...zick.titik.
n i am happy to just being myself..not pretending to be good yet ugly inside...being transparent i show the ugliness n the worst that i had in me....maybe people laugh at me, people talk my behind...the best thing is we dont lie...thats more important to me..i dont lie to not pretender...
that is just a thought..aight..k..good night dunia!
nukilan dyradyana at 11/06/2008 06:55:00 PM
setelah sekian lamanya
it has been a long time tht i dont post my piece of writing here~ngeh2 masa balas dendam
the poem that iv wrote just now, tetiba je rasa nak tulis tue. ntah kenapa saat2 begini rasa nk berpuitis, but its not my fav one, yet ia menggambarkan kepingan hati dan perasaan tika ini.
sekali lagi bulan wujud dlm puisi aku, tp kali ni ada laut pulak...LOL
nukilan dyradyana at 11/03/2008 12:37:00 PM
aku dan lautan~
aku mau jejak bulan
mungkin di bulan ada damai yang pasti
tapi aku masih terkapai di lautan
lautanku sangat sepi, lautanku sangat bosan
lautanku hanya ada aku dan angan-anganku ke bulan
seringkali hanyut
tempat berpaut pon teda
aku jadi lemas
ke dasar
sepi lautanku
cinta, aku tetap rasa
kerana anganku wujud dalam rohku
wujud dengan rasa benar cinta
bulan, pasti buat aku bahagia
pasti, aku pasti jumpa damai pada angan dan bulanku
ah...hakikat, manakan pula aku mampu terbang melangit
gapai awan pasti aku jatuh
tinggal di lautan sepi pon aku tidak mampu
apa lagi terbang ke langit menemukan bulan
aku tidak bisa
aku tidak bisa
"dunia ini dusta"
"dunia ini nista"
tinggalkan dunia, tinggalkan sepi
tinggalkan lautan
pasti aku mati
lautan itu darahku, lautan itu separuh aku
walau sepi, walau benci
aku lebih rela hidup bersama lautan
dan hanya menjadi aku
nukilan dyradyana at 11/03/2008 11:30:00 AM
tuesday #$%#^_^
crita ttg hari ni...
aku rasa aku penat sgt smpai lebih sparuh dr 24/7 adalah utk mati sementara...
sekiranya aku bisa mengawal masa, waktu2 yg aku kawal adalah masa tidur...sangatla tak terkawal dan terlalu dimanjakn....
aku bukan diriku yg dulu yg tidak pentingkn tidur...aku kini dan tidur adalah satu hubungan yg sentiasa berkait..sbg balasan, waktu bermanfaat aku dan hidupku sgt2 la limited!
kerja, assignment, ya aku taw maw due, ya aku taw bnyk berlonggok d aku tidak mampu meneruskan usaha yg terbengkalai dlm keadaan aku yg bgini...dlm keadaan aku tidak mencurahkan sesuatu yg aku pendam berbulan2 lamanya
sungguh aneh wujudnya parasit antara manusia.aneh sekali, kaget aku melihat parasit itu....tapi aku juga hanya melihat, aku tidak berbuat apa2, aku tidak pernah mngendalikan virus sebegini...kalau trojan ataw worm, ble la aku meng'attack' kembali, tapi yg ini, heran, sesungguhnya AKU HERAN
dan akhirnya....
aku bukan lagi di tempatku
dan akhirnya....
parasit merasakan kemenangan itu miliknya
dan aku....masih lagi heran bila waktu semakin berlalu
aku bukan di tempatku~
Tiap sesuatu yang berlaku pasti punya hikmah, pasti ada sebab, terima kasih Tuhan, aku belajar dari kesilapan lalu, aku jua belajar ttg sifat2 makhluk-Mu yang berbeza2, dan aku sangat bersyukur kerana akhirnya aku mengerti aku ada Engkau Yang Maha Esa....
dan aku lebih menghargai tiap masa ku yg ku luangkan utk berfikir dari bercakap ntah hapa2
nukilan dyradyana at 10/21/2008 09:08:00 PM
happy sunday
i am happy, again. i am too happy, again
this feeling inside so contented..seriously, this love so crazy, it drives me mad, confused, happy and eventually crazy tahap maxima...
i have to admit that i have nothing to desire more...i have u n u have me, enough i feel...
i love to say that i am falling love, again...i feel nothing but HAYPEEY inside me! so please stay with me, k?
nukilan dyradyana at 10/20/2008 12:28:00 AM
for u, who is already in my heart...fahamilah ia
Aku tak tertarik apa mata pencarianmu atau siapa kamu sebenarnya
Aku hanya ingin tau apa yang kau damba, dan apakah kau berani mengimpikan bertemu dengan idamanmu
Ya, aku tak tertarik berapa usiamu
Aku hanya ingin tau apakah kau berani mengambil risiko setelah terlihat oleh tololnya demi cinta, demi cita-cita, demi petualangan hidup sepenuhnya
Aku sememangnya tak tertarik planet apa yang menempatkanmu, atau tepatnya SIAPA kamu
Aku ingin tau apakah kau telah menyentuh lubuk dukamu sendiri, dan jika kau telah dibutakan oleh pengkhianatan hidup, atau telah menjadi layu dan tertutup karena takut disakiti lagi
Aku ingin tau apakah kau bisa duduk bersama rasa sakit, sakitku atau sakitmu, tanpa mencuba menyembunyikannya, atau memudarkannya atau memperbaikinya
Aku ingin tau apakah kau bisa berada bersama waktu suka, sukaku dan sukamu,
dan jika kau bisa menari denganku dan membiarkan keriangan mengisimu seluruhnya tanpa mengingatkan kita untuk berhati-hati, bersikap realistik, atau mengingatkan batas-batas waktu
Dan aku kira aku tak tertarik apakah cerita yang kau kisahkan itu benar atau tidak
Aku ingin tau apakah kau bisa mengecewakan orang lain agar jujur pada dirimu, dan jika kau dapat menanggung tuduhan itu dan tidak mengkhianati jiwamu sendiri
Aku ingin tau apakah kau bisa setia dan kerana setia buat kupercaya
Aku ingin tau apakah kau dapat melihat keindahan meskipun tidak setiap hari itu elok dan indah,
dan jika kau dapat hidup kerana-Nya dan percaya wujudnya Dia, sentiasa ada untuk kita
Dan, aku ingin tau apakah kau bisa hidup dengan kegagalan, gagalmu dan gagalku dan tetap berdiri di padang yang luas berteriak pada bulan bersinar
Ya, Aku tak tertarik pada tempat tinggalmu, atau akan apa yang kau miliki
Aku ingin tau apakah kau bisa bangkit setelah semalam berduka dan merana, lelah, lemah tak berdaya, dan melakukan apa yang patut dilakukan
Aku tidak tertarik bagaimana kau muncul dalam hidupku
Aku ingin tau apakah kau mau berdiri di tengah api bersamaku dan tidak mundur dalam perjuangan ini
Aku tidak tertarik dimana atau apa atau dengan siapa kau belajar tentang hidup
Aku ingin tau apa yang menjagamu tika kau jatuh
Aku ingin tau apakah kau bisa sendirian hanya dirimu
dan bisa menyukai aku, temanmu, di saat-saat hampa...
nukilan dyradyana at 10/16/2008 12:58:00 AM
happy inside, unsatisfy outside
today's lesson === never do procrastination, not again
last night, i forgot almost everything. i left my phone on the restaurant because it fell and i was not even notice it there, on the floor. i convinced myself not to think bout the phone and focused on the BIG things today. Yet, i cant give my full attention n i slept early last night. there i go, forgot about mandarin test which carry 40% for my carry marks...haiya...xcover apa2 ma
again, i am so sorry for my dear that MAYBE wait for me, for my replies last night. it was an accident, i am so sorry k
early morning, after having light breakfast, i went to the restaurant. luckily, it was there. am so thankful, so grateful, so @%#&@! life is on my side, btol ckp ko dear, handphone to nyawa bg yg punya satu handphone jak. mmg aku separuh nyawa tika phone ndak bersamaku sepanjang mlm dan pagi...apapon, THANK GOD i found my blackest black sony.
going through the test... HAHAHA...Listening, peh tahap gaban punya laju ckp cina, cant even code the words, cant even understand to answer the correct answer. maybe the problem is with me bcoz i have problem to focus n focus. iv tried, at least. naseb bek, impromptu agak berjaya..syukur la nak...heheheh
then again, presentation hour..huhuhu, mcm %*^(&*())%%^$ aku ndak tawla mcmn lagi maw kasi puas dia, she has too much expectation for a pathetic girl like me...i cant even give her the best bcoz she alredi shows something in her face that make me feels like a jerk. this is my very first time having a very emo lecturer n oso so bias to be true..haiya...mengumpz lagik..hihi
today is a long, long day... a happy, happy day(ironically)
hope tomorrow rainbow will content me bcoz today rain is like cat and dog =)
nukilan dyradyana at 10/16/2008 12:36:00 AM
this is for u, love
love brightens my is so fast, it is too much, it is so unbelievable kind of love, it makes my heart feels nothing more, except the beauty of love...thanx for u, love, i am in the state of top of the world...Happiness and joy u provide me...
i love you the way you are...
p/s leave the memories behind, it cant heal us neither can make us live is killing us, believe me. i'l try n u oso try, ok?
nukilan dyradyana at 10/14/2008 09:24:00 AM
d suatu ptg
aku berasa kehancuran itu semakin dekat, semakin mendekati masa aku. tapi aku tak bisa lelah untuk tros meruntuhkan usaha keras ku di masa lalu. cinta tak bisa meruntuhkn aku, apa lagi menghancurkn cita2 yg aku bina indah di langit hidup. awan masih melambai, tapi jauh meninggalkn aku. ya, kan ku gapai awan, kan ku gapai waktu utk tros menaikkan aku hilang di dunia baru. dunia yg bakal menidakkan kehancuran aku. aku mahu mencari dan mengerti dunia itu melalui persepsi2 yg berbeza2, agar aku tidak lolos jatuh kembali ke dunia lama yg aku kira sangat menyeksa. maka, aku akan tros cuba terbang...terbang di langit, wlau terkadang aku pancit, sekurangnya aku tidak lg sakit!
nukilan dyradyana at 10/10/2008 06:33:00 PM
On the line~
I didn’t wanna say I’m sorry
For breakin us apart
I didn’t wanna say it was my fault
Even though I knew it was
I didn’t wanna call you back
Cause I knew that I was wrong
Yeah I knew, I was wrong
One in the same, never to change
Our love was beautiful
We got it all, destined to fall
Our love was tragical
Wanted to call, no need to fight
You know I wouldn’t lie
But tonight, we’ll leave it on the line
Listen baby,
Never would’ve said forever
If we knew it'd end so fast
Why did you say I love you
If you knew that it wouldn’t last
Baby, I just can’t hear what you’re sayin
The line is breakin up
Or is that just us, or is that just us
One in the same, never to change
Our love was beautiful
We got it all, destined to fall
Our love was tragical
Wanted to call, no need to fight
You know I wouldn’t lie
But tonight, we’ll leave it on the line
Try to call again, and get in your mailbox
Like a letter left unread
Apologies are often open ended
But this one’s better left unsaid
One in the same, never to change
Our love was beautiful
We got it all, destined to fall
Our love was tragical
Wanted to call, no need to fight
You know I wouldn’t lie
But tonight, we’ll leave it on the line
We'll leave it on the line
(Yeah, oh yeah)
We’ll leave it on the line tonight
nukilan dyradyana at 10/10/2008 06:29:00 PM
Broken - what I feel
I wanted you to know that
I love the way you laugh
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away...
I keep your photograph and
I know it serves me well
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain
Cause im broken when im lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
You gone away, you don't feel me here, anymore
The worst is over now
And we can breathe again
I wanna hold you high, you steal my pain away
There's so much left to learn
And no one left to fight
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain
Cause I'm broken when I'm open
And I don't feel like I am strong enough
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Cause I'm broken when I'm open
And I don't feel like I am strong enough
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away...
Cause I'm Broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone...
You gone away, you don't feel me here anymore
Lagu ni mengingatkan aku ttg sesuatu...sesuatu yg aku gelar kini dh hilang lesap
ya, can feel the lonesome, can feel am not strong enough, ceh, cm describe feeling aku je..
apa2 la..layann...yg penting lagu ni mmg bez la wlau dh lama..aku suka...
nukilan dyradyana at 10/07/2008 11:25:00 PM
too much, too much
i do too much talking. i make too much noise...deep in my heart
nukilan dyradyana at 9/22/2008 11:32:00 PM
having a title myself
in my journey, i met many people, yg menyaketkn, mgembirakn, mejatuhkn, mgajarkn, me- macam2 lagi, being a 22-year old young lady, i am so happy. i am too happy. Allah memberi aku peluang utk tros megenal dunia, dunia yg tidak kekal lama. aku belajar, dan tros blajar mgerti
just have a pemikiran mendalam td, aku mmg suke berfikir, berfkir la suatu ketika dulu mjadi punca utama husairi bengang ngn aku. i enjoy thinking, admit it. n having a conversation with him td, aku rasa lain, rasa janggal, kenapa org yg pena paling amat dkt ngn aku tetiba2 mcm pegawai masyarakat or pgawai polis yg begitu formal....
i cant forget the day husairi bg surprise birthday present last year. wow, aku xsangka, aku hepi giler tp speechless. p/s i really appreciate that husairi. although aku rasa guilty. aku pk bukan2 time 2, takut trima pemberian sgitu mahal. that day, i knw tht u meant so much to me, til nw, only if u know that...
a Sony Ericcson handphone is a big deal. for me, it is.aku terpk cane nk ganti balik, cane nk bayar balik...smua2 la...but now i understand why a handphone, why not a watch or other accessories n why u never ever want me to balas balik smua aku kini phm, biarla aku tafsirkan pemikiran aku sdiri
loving is sharing, dats wat u meant right...n i am too innocent to undrstnd tht, i am too innocent to undrstnd how much u love me back then...i am the one who let u go, n let u in the state of getting married...ironically, u hv other gf right after we break-up
regrets, am not. smua yg terjadi dtg dr Dia, Dia Maha Kuasa. Dia Tentukan Sgala..aku sbg hamba harus patuh, akur akn ketentuan-Nya. Read this
'jika ia sebenar-benar cinta, kau lepaskn la, kau biarkanla, jika benar dia milikmu, pasti dia akn kembali kepadamu'
BUT, it doesnt mean that aku masih menunggu atau mengenang. it was decided. my mind controls my heart. n the king of body has decided. no matter wat, no matter wat. all OR nothing. so, it is nothing
for a moment, realize tht the love has just dissapeared~*sigh
nukilan dyradyana at 9/21/2008 03:16:00 AM
Labels: hush
happy birthday, young girl~
happy birthday to me
nukilan dyradyana at 9/20/2008 07:08:00 PM
life in future...who knows?



nukilan dyradyana at 9/17/2008 04:36:00 PM
halfly true, halfly correct
What Zick Means |
![]() You are incredibly wise and perceptive. You have a lot of life experience. You are a natural peacemaker, and you are especially good at helping others get along. But keeping the peace in your own life is not easy. You see things very differently, and it's hard to get you to budge. You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are very open. You communicate well, and you connect with other people easily. You are a naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from your mind. A true chameleon, you are many things at different points in your life. You are very adaptable. You are a seeker of knowledge, and you have learned many things in your life. You are also a keeper of knowledge - meaning you don't spill secrets or spread gossip. People sometimes think you're snobby or aloof, but you're just too deep in thought to pay attention to them. |
nukilan dyradyana at 9/17/2008 04:34:00 PM
sick of what?
im sick.
sick of assignment.
what should i do?
finish up assignment...
nukilan dyradyana at 9/16/2008 09:05:00 AM
use to have bulan in my life
bulan menjauh. bulan meninggalkn aku. bulan pergi begitu sahaja. genap 2bulan, tapi aku gembira, kerana apa..kerana aku punya bintang2..sentiasa bergemerlapan sekeliling aku. aku gembira.aku gembira dalam duka ku. aku cinta bulan tidak mampu mencintai aku sepertimana bintang2 yg kupunya menyayangiku. mereka sentiasa di sisi. bulan, pergila kamu kpd matahari. pergila kamu mencair di ufuk mentari. aku tidak akan pernah pergi bersamamu. kerana aku maw setia. setia bersama bintang2ku. bintang2, maafkan aku d saat aku kemaruk dgn bulan, aku lupa kesetiaan kamu.aku abaikan kamu. bintang2, aku menyesal. kesalku yg benar2. bintang2ku...
aku sangat berterima kasih...kasihku pada kalian tidakkan terpadam lagi....
nukilan dyradyana at 9/14/2008 10:44:00 AM
fly me to the moon
Your Personality at 35,000 Says... |
![]() Deep down, you prefer spending time alone to spending time with others. You enjoy thinking more than talking. You are good with your place in the world. You are confident and comfortable with who you are. Your gift is having a good eye. You take amazing picture and have the natural talent for most visual arts. You are inspired by what is possible. Real life is often too ordinary for you. It's very easy for you to feel happy. You can find peace with any situation. |
nukilan dyradyana at 9/13/2008 11:39:00 PM
simple thought, regrets?
mandarin test. frustrated. damnation. hate the feeling. how could i end up like this? how could?
nukilan dyradyana at 9/11/2008 11:19:00 PM
perlu ke bgtaw..haha
td aku n rakan-rakan serumah pergi berbuka kt pizza hut.
nukilan dyradyana at 9/10/2008 10:15:00 PM
regrets, shouldnt do anymore
tuang kelas hari ni. creative writing n methodology of reading. tak patut tp saja nk jadi budak nakal jap. tp cuak, ketaq gila takut kena marah. maybe perasaan2 ni wujud sbb aku xbiasa tuang kelas sejak jadi undergraduate ni. xpe, i forgive myself for doing it. i just want to have a rest today n start 'engine' for tomorrow. TOMORROW is the third language punya listening&writing mid-term exam. aku lom ada apa2 ni. zero. can zero be hero tomorrow. Insya-Allah
kol 5 td time sahur aku masak sardine n telur kari. muahahahahahaha.sungguh menakjubkan.first time aku wat telur dadar mix ngn rempah kari, nak try rasa, wat la sendiri. aku heran napa ada sweet flavor dlm telur dadar 2, i expected it to be spicy n not sweety. haha, LIFE IS UNPREDICTABLE....
nukilan dyradyana at 9/10/2008 12:11:00 PM
the most sandik sungkai ever had
buka posa hari ni, sedih2...buka posa dgn test.rasa nk makan je answer sheet 2.
nukilan dyradyana at 9/09/2008 11:37:00 PM
fitting the puzzle
Umm,aku xnafikan pic sebelum ni agresif sket..hahah..wat gempaq je kn...saja je 2...aku hargai art2 ni..mana yg berkenan, mana yg kena d hati, aku mmg wat collection.apa2pon,
i am very sorry for those yg misinterpret pic 2.maafkan saya ok?
hari ni aku cm ada quality of self-reliant...aku g library, dok sorg2 muhasabah diri.bnyk aku tertinggal.bnyk aku xulangkaji.aku patutnya rajin kn?aku patutnya sedar diri yg scholarship 2 FOR WHAT... dan paling penting, aku patut sedar yg aku tgh BERJIHAD. kalau la aku ni serajin si perajin dalam kelas seperti saidatul, deirdre, jessica or hanna...KALAULAH..malangnya aku tergolong dlm golongan yg agak pemalas. Mohd azwan perna berkata yg aku ni pemalas...He questioned my#@!&#^(@! aku xsalahkan kau wan, aku mengerti siapa aku, tp setiap manusia punya kelebihan tersendiri kan..."cuma dr kita jak itu brg"...up to us to decide who we want to be, and what we want to do.full stop. ask urself. from within u can answer that. success or fail you want? opcoz many will choose the first one. aci kerat jari la..(again) ngeh2
learning style aku selama ni mmg risky. kdg wat aku jatuh ke lubang paling dalam seperti mana terjadi pada first READING test aku, kadang wat aku berjaya melepasi sasaran aku sendiri yg aku sgt xsgka. samada bergantung pada naseb atau quality study aku.wallahu'alam, aku pon xpasti. tp sedikit sbnyk wat aku insaf atas apa yg terjadi bru2, jangan PROCRASTINATE dan jangan STUDY LAST MINUTE DH...mmg to the fullest tp sgt2 overload...too many things to understand and to many words to memorize in one time..tragik2, as a result, not long retention, smuanya gone after seat for the particular paper.
macamanapon aku membebel, sebenarnya...
hari ni aku suka.hari ni aku gembira. ntah kenapa tp aku rasa nk bersiul dan menyanyi...
maybe BETTER IN TIME...alhamdulillah~
nukilan dyradyana at 9/08/2008 10:35:00 PM
makan besau
semalam aku supper LARGE Mc Value Meal..hahaha...dasat kn...supper 2, hihi.sekali sekala
wo, nikmat tak terkata...nyummy3..except for Thai Chili Sauce yg insufficient ngn fries yg bnyk
aku kena get ready la...ada 2 test penting minggu ni, cuak giler.2-2 subjek aku xcover pe lg...
Ya Allah, berikanlah aku kekuatan, hanya Kau yang mampu...
nukilan dyradyana at 9/07/2008 09:09:00 PM
good or bad memories?
Aku tak tertarik apa mata pencarianmu atau siapa kamu sebenarnya
Aku hanya ingin tau apa yang kau damba, dan apakah kau berani mengimpikan bertemu dengan idamanmu
Ya, aku tak tertarik berapa usiamu
Aku hanya ingin tau apakah kau berani mengambil risiko setelah terlihat oleh tololnya demi cinta, demi cita-cita, demi petualangan hidup sepenuhnya
Aku sememangnya tak tertarik planet apa yang menempatkanmu, atau tepatnya SIAPA kamu
Aku ingin tau apakah kau telah menyentuh lubuk dukamu sendiri, dan jika kau telah dibutakan oleh pengkhianatan hidup, atau telah menjadi layu dan tertutup karena takut disakiti lagi
Aku ingin tau apakah kau bisa duduk bersama rasa sakit, sakitku atau sakitmu, tanpa mencuba menyembunyikannya, atau memudarkannya atau memperbaikinya
Aku ingin tau apakah kau bisa berada bersama waktu suka, sukaku dan sukamu,
dan jika kau bisa menari denganku dan membiarkan keriangan mengisimu seluruhnya tanpa mengingatkan kita untuk berhati-hati, bersikap realistik, atau mengingatkan batas-batas waktu
Dan aku kira aku tak tertarik apakah cerita yang kau kisahkan itu benar atau tidak
Aku ingin tau apakah kau bisa mengecewakan orang lain agar jujur pada dirimu, dan jika kau dapat menanggung tuduhan itu dan tidak mengkhianati jiwamu sendiri
Aku ingin tau apakah kau bisa setia dan kerana setia buat kupercaya
Aku ingin tau apakah kau dapat melihat keindahan meskipun tidak setiap hari itu elok dan indah,
dan jika kau dapat hidup kerana-Nya dan percaya wujudnya Dia, sentiasa ada untuk kita
Dan, aku ingin tau apakah kau bisa hidup dengan kegagalan, gagalmu dan gagalku dan tetap berdiri di padang yang luas berteriak pada bulan bersinar
Ya, Aku tak tertarik pada tempat tinggalmu, atau akan apa yang kau miliki
Aku ingin tau apakah kau bisa bangkit setelah semalam berduka dan merana, lelah, lemah tak berdaya, dan melakukan apa yang patut dilakukan
Aku tidak tertarik bagaimana kau muncul dalam hidupku
Aku ingin tau apakah kau mau berdiri di tengah api bersamaku dan tidak mundur dalam perjuangan ini
Aku tidak tertarik dimana atau apa atau dengan siapa kau belajar tentang hidup
Aku ingin tau apa yang menjagamu tika kau jatuh
Aku ingin tau apakah kau bisa sendirian hanya dirimu
dan bisa menyukai aku, temanmu di saat hampa...
dan nampaknya kau tidak mampu terus, bersamaku
selamat tinggal dunia KITA, selamat tinggal husairi
HAZIQAH, let bygones be bygones
nukilan dyradyana at 9/07/2008 01:21:00 PM
mendesak lantas menenangkn saket jiwa
Radiohead Lyrics
High And Dry Lyrics
the song that i am currently listening to...
i say, "heart wrenching vocals, amazing lyrics ..."
"Don't leaveeee me highhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......................."
"You'd kill yourself for recognition, you'd kill yourself to never, ever break another mirror, you're turning into something you are not "
my lips sealed
nukilan dyradyana at 9/06/2008 08:19:00 PM
shopping n haziqah xmampu dipisahkan
having co-curriculum class PAGI2 tadik. insaf sket. ustaz zaki ckp psl imam n kelayakn jadi imam, n a bit cover on tajwid. ish2, bnyk dh benda aku lupa, especially aku lupa yg aku pena jadi baik dulu..hehe. never mind, after class ustaz, WAH, sakan berjalan. pkns je 2-3 rounds. ujan rintik2 tp kitorg REDAH je...kt pkns aku shopping sakan...WAH, duit cm air...
And then, ktorg p PAS...aku carik birthday present tuk adik aku...sian dia, aku xbeli pe lg.kang nangis lak, dh la cengeng cm akak dia.huhu.tiba2 teringat hp yg tersadai xbguna kt bilik, so aku beli bateri baru ganti bateri hp yg hangkang dh 2, beli charger baru, so, adik aku dpt HANDPHONE dr akak yg terchenta la nampaknya, wlaupon x baru tp bole la dia guna kn....eseyh, akak yg baik lak aku ni...ngeh3
ckp pasal shopping..NURUL HAZIQAH DIYANA am a shopaholic person, undeniably, inevitably...uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! few days je dh abez beratus. cane nk save ni, gamaknya aku kena kawen org kaya law...
pasni, aku xnk merayap mana2 dh.nk terperuk kt umah langsaikan utang2,masa2 aku utk wat asgment, kalau otak geliga pandai gila2 xpe dh nk masuk 22 ni, ades....caiyok2, aku mesti berusaha.berusaha tangga kejayaan.i still remember this motto kt skul dulu...skang bru aku paham kenapa kena expose ngn positive and motivational kata2 seperti "WHEN THERE IS A WILL, THERE IS A WAY"
sebab tanpa usaha, memang manusia xkn berjaya.aci kerat tangan la..................aku p kerat tangan skang k..hahaha
nukilan dyradyana at 9/06/2008 03:41:00 PM
permulaan titik tengah, atas bawah
this is my very first blog that i have created a long, long time ago. 4 years ago, to be exact. this is a blog where i discover a part of me. i want to continue using it instead of delete, i did few changes. actually i have to start from a to z. already got the knowledge but got to learn back.
all the entries that i wanted to delete, i decided not to. WHY? it shows my cognitive development through the years. seriously $&%!* i have changed. i had changed. from a very childish girl to a maturer one. hahaha...betol atau tidak, terima je la kn...
damnation. i have to let go my past yet currently i have to face the reality. that i am not in the teen world anymore. moving on, i am moving on. i am going to be an educator. educating people. educating the young generation. now educating rita flying in my head. this story teaches me a lot. i like it. though it is quite boring. it makes me realize that how much i sucks in literature...but i am constantly learn. learn from my mistakes and become a grown girl...
ALL people learn from their mistakes. i believe so...better stop #@!&^, i'l continue the story about L.I.T.E.R.A.T.U.R.E later...i have to do my laundry...excuse M.E
nukilan dyradyana at 9/05/2008 11:44:00 PM
Labels: developing
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